Monday, April 4, 2011

Stephen Crane - In heaven

In heaven,
Some little blades of grass
Stood before God.
"What did you do?"
Then all save one of the little blades
Began eagerly to relate
The merits of their lives.
This one stayed a small way behind,
Presently, God said,
"And what did you do?"
The little blade answered, "Oh my Lord,
Memory is bitter to me,
For, if I did good deeds,
I know not of them."
Then God, in all His splendor,
Arose from His throne.
"Oh, best little blade of grass!" He said.

I thought this was interesting on the view of God and religion by this Stephen Crane, who, despite religious family, rejected conventional religion for his own "ally/co-worker" vision of God, but still comes through in this poem as following closely a Biblical teaching- that we should not speak of our own deeds but know God sees them all. I think he is implying that we should be humble with our works and "forget" them and let them be between us and God, who knows them without being told by us, instead of flaunting them around in front of everyone for the whole world to see.

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